Ruben De Vleeschauwer
Jumbo: the Rising Star of Belgian Food Retail
Jumbo is expanding across the borders of its home territory, the Netherlands. With its eyes fixed on Flanders, and a potential move into Wallonia after, we analysed the impact of new Jumbo stores. Will the success story of the Netherlands continue abroad?
retailThe Rise of Maxi Zoo in the Belgian Pet Store Market
Maxi Zoo, the German challenger in pet food retail, has seen remarkable growth in Belgium in the past years. They are one of the main winners in the market in terms of visits.
retail5 Nederlandse retail marketing campagnes geanalyseerd. Wat is de impact op bezoekersaandeel & loyaliteit?
Hoe goed presteren retail marketingcampagnes in het Nederlandse landschap? In deze analyse hebben we campagnes van Albert Heijn, Dirk, Jumbo, Plus en Vomar onderzocht en hun campagne-impact gemeten op het vlak van bezoekersaandeel en loyaliteit.
retailLanger bij Fnac, maar Mediamarkt wint het EK TV's verkopen
De Belgische & Nederlandse elektronicazaken hebben in 2024 een interessante zomer achter de rug. Hoe verschillen de marktdynamieken in beide landen? Hoe verschilt de marktpositie van MediaMarkt? Wat was de impact van het EK?
retailShopping on Sundays: More popular than ever (Belgium)
As more Belgian supermarkets open on Sundays, consumers’ shopping habits are quickly evolving. This article talks about these evolutions, and what we can see in our consumer behaviour data for retailers.
accuratAccurat joins forces with BD Media in Belgium
Accurat has partnered with BD Media to bring new clarity to leaflet distribution’s impact. Together, we provide concrete answers to essential questions like “How effective was my flyer distribution?” and “What was the impact of my door-to-door campaign?”
accuratHoe meet je folder impact?
Wat is de impact van mijn huis-aan-huis campagne? Hoe effectief was mijn folderverspreiding? Hoe kan ik meten hoeveel bezoeken aan mijn folder zijn toe te schrijven?
fastfoodDutch Fast Food: How Visit Trends Reveal Brand Popularity in 2024
A market research article on fast food consumer behaviour in the Netherlands. A market overview for competitive benchmarking on visit KPI's, dwell time and popular hours & days.
fastfoodBelgian Fast Food: How Visit Trends Revealed Brand Popularity in 2024
An analysis of the Belgian Fast Food consumer behaviour: Who's more popular in Belgium? McDonalds, Burger King or Quick? Pizza Hut or Domino's Pizza? Or is it KFC?
retail9 tips for better retail brochure content (122 door-to-door campaigns analyzed)
Working with door-to-door campaigns, a lot of questions come to mind. Accurat analysed over a hundred folders and their impact, to come up with best practices.