
As Brico was carpet flyering (dropping folders in every Belgian mailbox) the increase would mean a significant financial blow to their usual marketing budget. Given the positive ROI for the operation as a whole, quitting folder distribution altogether was not an option. The distribution needed to get streamlined in order to maintain current sales. Brico needed a much more intelligent distribution model based on distributing folders to where (potential) clients actually live. 

We needed to find a way to distribute the folders in areas where we know they would convert to Brico. Knowing where people live who would read them and respond best to them, would make it possible to better tailor our distribution plan.


Accurat's data and technology were used to provide insights to optimise the distribution model for printed retail flyers. This optimisation allowed in turn Brico to reinvest savings into other marketing efforts. 

Using this strategy, we can now intelligently reduce the distribution of flyers in areas with low or no potential/customers, or add new distribution areas when they appear relevant for an individual shop. The idea was to match the distribution area with the actual Brico customers and the relevant potential of DIY customers.” As Accurat knows the selectivity of the DIY audience for each distribution zone, it is possible to determine the most relevant zones to add to the distribution plan, taking into account costs based on the number of accessible postal boxes.
Brico flyer


Accurat acts as a plug and play solution, having all Brico and competitor stores readily available from the beginning. The only thing needed to add was the existing distribution plan. Next up, the DIY audience was determined as a potential target audience. Finally, all historic flyers were evaluated for their drive-to-store impact.

The final distribution plan is an automated deep dive in the figures in which we keep in mind to

  • Address zones with highest proven drive-to-store impact in the past
  • Where current customers live
  • Where a relevant potential is selectively present

This way, distribution zones are now focused from where customers live based on zip-code research towards a data-driven approach in which behavioural cues were used.

Brico Employee using a computer

Accurat’s flyer optimisation and drive-to-store analysis told us everything we wanted to know. It has relevant client info for all types of retailers. Using location data along with smart algorithms they know where Brico’s customers live, where potential prospects live, how often clients visit a shop, which geographical areas attract more or less customers and so much more.


Before working with Accurat a flyer was distributed to 80% of Belgian households. Now, after using the flyer optimisation dashboard this figure dropped while still reaching most of Brico’s current clients, but mainly its potential reach grew. Results will be closely monitored in terms of drive-to-store impact via Accurat’s media attribution solution.  

Case closed.

Not only was the impact on sales minimal for now, we also saved a significant amount on our distribution budget and drastically reduced our ecological footprint.

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