Tailored to your industry
Accurat provides detailed traffic analytics including visitation over time, national, per Nielsen area and allows to benchmark results on KPIs with your competitors.
Home & furniture
Garden centers
Pet shops
Sport stores
Fashion & shoes
Beauty & care
Malls & retail parks
Compare traffic & the evolution of KPIs such as market penetration, loyalty, frequency & more for your park & tenants.
Our 'overview' dashboard sheds a light on key metrics and compares results across tenants and your local situation.
Dive deeper to understand the long term evolutions of key performance indicators for your location.
Compare all key performance indicators for the last 13 months. See how you are doing and compare with nearby shopping clusters.
Understand customer loyalty and compare key metrics to last year and with nearby shopping areas.
Accurat allows you to compare metrics over time, whether you want to understand evolutions vs last year or want to follow up on recent changes.
Instant Insights, Smarter Decisions. Get started with Accurat today.
Start for free to gain immediate insights, or schedule a demo for solutions tailored to your unique business needs.