Why choose Accurat over other solutions?

Discover how our data is different from other types of solutions and why real-world behaviour data is extremely powerful for your future decision making.

Accurat's real-world behaviour insightsPanel-based survey insightsTransaction data insightsYour own sales & retail data
How it works?
A few 1.000 panelists share their actual store tickets.Bank statement data of opt-in users is the basis for insights.Insights are derived from internal CRM & ticket data.
Size of panel
5.000 - 10.0000.000 - 100.000Your opt-in #s
Representativity models in use
  • Socio demo
  • Provinces
  • Socio demo
  • Provinces
Biased by presence of more loyal customers
Insights to derive
  • Market penetration
  • Frequency
  • Recency
  • Budget spent
  • Market share
  • Loyalty
  • Budget transfer
  • Market penetration
  • Frequency
  • Recency
  • Budget spent
  • Market share
  • Loyalty
  • Budget transfer
  • Market penetration
  • Frequency
  • Recency
  • Budget spent
Depth of insights
  • National
  • Regional
  • National
  • Regional
  • National
  • Regional
  • Store level
  • Custom store groups
Audience profiling
  • RFM & Loyalty
  • Categories bought
  • RFM & Loyalty
  • RFM & Loyalty
  • Categories bought
Drive to store evaluation model
Not possible Not possibleBased on estimated sales impact
Competitor benchmarking
  • Limited # of brands
  • Only in own category
  • Limited # of brands
  • Cross-category
Not possible
Time-based comparisons
Back to start of first surveyBack to start of first data collectionComparison for own brand only
Service model
Monthly reportsRegular reportsInternal ad hoc requests & reports
Delivery timesNear realtime3-4 weeks delayNear realtimeNear realtime

Instant insights, smarter decisions. 
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