Traffic Tracer

Evaluate & monitor the potential of each location

Location potential for Expansion, Store Performance and Real Estate Teams

The success of a specific location depends on many factors. Where is the location situated? How many passersby pass daily? What are the busy hours? Understand existing or decide on future locations: opening or relocating a store, placing a billboard, or simply understanding the traffic evolution of a location.

Enter an address to uncover the potential of the location. Explore the area's potential and understand the context. Is it the ideal location, or should you keep searching?

  • Understand & compare potential of any location
  • Assess location potential for store decisions
  • Measure cannibalization from new shops
  • Show your retail park's value to tenants
  • Choose the best location for a new billboard
  • Evaluate the added value of city events and tourism

Monitor how traffic evolves over time

Evaluate whether the traffic evolution suits your needs. Are you looking for steady traffic year in, year out, or does the seasonality that some locations offer provide added value?

  • Track traffic per month/week/day or per hour
  • Distribution per weekday
  • Compare one key figure

Get more details on the traffic for your location

Discover busy hotspots in your area, and gain valuable insights in transport modes

  • Learn how traffic is spread in your neighbourhood via our traffic heatmap
  • Understand how people travel past your location, and in which direction

Catchment area & passerby origins

Understand your nearby market and who passes by. See how accessible your location is, who lives close, and where visitors come from — so you can measure your true potential.

  • Catchment Insights: Who lives within walking or driving distance, and what defines them?
  • Passerby Origins: Where do visitors come from, and how often do they return?
  • Time & Distance: Break down reach by travel time and frequency.

Map the brands that are present near a location

Discover the neighboring stores and assess whether you want them close by, or distant – quite literally

  • Get the full picture in one single view
  • Evaluate the distance to closest stores
  • Understand local context

Discover the traffic shared with other locations

Evaluate overlaps with your existing locations or competitors’ and assess potential cannibalization or added value to your network.

  • Avoid cannibalisation
  • Understand complementarity

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