Local cannibalisation

Discover the potential cannibalisation of a location on your existing network.

Every retail related question thought of and answered

Is the new location attracting any traffic?

Understand the traffic for any given adress of your interest. Evaluate the potential of an address or the performance of an existing location.

  • Average weekly traffic for any location
  • Traffic distribution by weekday
  • Peak traffic hours and busiest moments

Unique traffic or cannibalising your network?

Is traffic unique or does it show a large overlap with existing locations nearby? Evaluate the potential and added value for your network.

  • Percentage of unique customers
  • Overlap of passersby with other locations
  • How the new location complements your network

Understand most frequented roads & locations

A heatmap of the larger area helps to understand the distribution of traffic. Where do customers mostly pass by, what are the locations that attract most visits overall, what are typically used roads to enter the area?

  • See a heatmap of the larger area
  • Understand roads most frequented
  • See the local area hotspots at a glance
  • Evaluate where to blend in best

Understand the relevant potential of the passersby

What defines the passersby? How is their sociodemographic context and does it compare well to your regular audiences?

  • How is local traffic composed?
  • Inhabitants, commuters or people passing by?
  • What are the socio demographic profiles of users?
  • Where are users mostly coming from?

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