Monthly market insights

Understand how your brand & market evolve on a specific KPI by generating a monthly KPI report.

Every retail related question answered

Understand the visit evolution over time

Track the daily, weekly, or monthly changes in visits for your brand and competitors across the regions where you operate.

  • Overview of visits to your own location, compared to your competitors
  • Filter by period (day, week or month)
  • Understand the market, user visit share evolution
  • Zoom in on a specific region or even a custom zone

Get a gain & loss statement for your brand

How have your visits changed compared to the previous period? Identify the brands from which you are gaining visits and those to which you are losing them.

  • Gain & loss statements expressed as the visits transfered between brands
  • Track market dynamics in one single view
  • Compare specific periods

Track loyalty evolution and other key loyalty metrics

Gain insights into how your loyalty metrics are evolving. Are you attracting more primary loyal customers? How are customers transitioning between different types of loyalty? Is the frequency of their visits increasing?

  • Compare loyalty metrics between periods
  • Frequency evolution
  • Loyalty types and switching behaviour
  • Compare with your competitors of choice

Understand the evolution of key metrics

You know best what drives your business. Choose the metrics you wish to evaluate and monitor their progress over time. Features include:

  • A comprehensive set of business metrics 
  • The ability to benchmark all metrics against competitors
  • The option to focus on specific zones


Focus on what matters most to you

Tailor your report to focus on a particular zone, select competitors, or a specific time period, and easily share it within your organization. Features include:

  • Customizable reports to meet your specific needs
  • Automatic report generation at regular intervals
  • Seamless sharing options with colleagues
  • Simple one-click invitations for report access

Instant insights, smarter decisions. 
Get started with Accurat today.

Start for free to gain immediate insights, or schedule a demo for solutions tailored to your unique business needs.