
Anyone who stepped into a Makro this past weekend noticed an unusual bustle. The sale that marks the end of an era does not go unnoticed. Thanks to steep discounts on the entire assortment, these bargain days bring a real rush in the various branches. More even than the already very busy end-of-year period last year.

As the curtain finally falls on the chain characterized for its wide assortment, the last items are being sold at dumping prices. Proceeds will be used to pay staff salaries, according to the liquidator. Visitor figures, after a false start, already paint a positive story after the ailing Makro announced it was offering its remaining assortment at big discounts. Last weekend, for example, visitors were noticeably higher than in the past period, although that should not be surprising.

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Higher visitation rates than in the year-end period

More strikingly, however, the chain attracted more visitors than last Christmas, known to be one of the busiest periods of the year for the brand. Saturday saw as many as more than double the number of visitors as during the end of the year. "We derive these figures from the movement of more than 300,000 Belgians" says Bart Muskala, CEO at Accurat, a Ghent-based data company that knows the retail market inside out and works for brands such as Delhaize, Lidl and Aveve. "Makro attracted on average almost 30% fewer visitors this year than in 2021, which in itself was branded as an annus horribilis. Fortunately, the chain is now managing to temporarily turn that tide. Last Saturday, for example, we saw visits rise to more than twice as many visitors as the same day last year. The encouraging figures are probably just a palliative, but hopefully a small boost for the staff," Muskala says.

Read the article from RetailDetailGVA and Gondola.

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